In the middle of their summer break from school, a group of alien teens discover the horrors of their city when they investigate the disappearances of their families, friends and peers...

Heavily inspired by The X-Files and Splatoon, Caltonia was a webcomic about a group of alien teens investigating the sudden disappearances of their family, friends, and peers. It ran from September 2022 to January 2023 and is currently on indefinite hiatus as a webcomic.

I do plan to head back into Caltonia in the future, but for now, another alien comic has taken up most of my brainspace, haha.

Read the first chapter of Caltonia here!


*Right click to view the full image!


*Right click to view the full image!


*Right click to view the full image!

Chapter 2 was drawn between January - June 2023. It was initially going to be posted as soon as I finished it, but I never got around to it since I put the comic on an indefinite hiatus to work on Star Quest instead. These were the pages I finished in that time. Enjoy!